Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, it's been a long while since I last posted, and there have been changes chez moi. The biggest is that I broke up with Rob, which is both productive and a little heartbreaking; during the course of the last few days (arguments) it became evident that the lack of affection I had been feeling was due to a lack of in-love-ness on the part of one of us (whose name, dear reader, does not rhyme with Meepa. I'm just saying).

I feel like such a moron for not having trusted my instincts on this. I've suspected this for - well, to be frank, for the entire two years we've dated - but I've tried to convince myself otherwise. You know, I think I do have a tendency to be overly sensitive, and I really try to fight it, but there's a line somewhere between "massively touchy" and "ignoring reality" whose precise location I have yet to determine. Anyway, I misunderstood the nature of Rob's feelings, apparently, and now I feel...lonely. And exhausted. And wretched.

Can this be over now?


Erin said...

where do we draw the line between listening and marching on? I sympathize, my friend, and I support you and hope things will get better for you!

Tsipa said...

Exactly. I always feel torn between "not my problem" and "I'm here for you" - I guess we can see what I lean towards, can't we? Maybe I shall lean a bit the other way for a while.