Thursday, November 15, 2007

Get ready for some awesome!

I decided that I should share one of my favorite songs ever ever with all of you (er...both of you). Thanks to the magic of the internet, I can provide this mystery link for your rocking out pleasure. I'm sure you know and love it, but if (like me) you need to sing along with the whole thing but can't understand that Spanish bit at the end, here are the lyrics:

Que linda me la traiga Cuba
La reina de la Mar Caribe
Cielo sol no tiene sangre allĂ­
Y que triste que no puedo vaya
O, va! O, va!

(How happy it makes me to think of Cuba
The queen of the Caribbean Sea
Sunny sky has no blood
And how sad that I cannot go.
Oh, go! Oh, go!)

(Translation from this page here.)

This song makes me so happy! I find that it's best enjoyed at a moderately high volume, to allow for singing along with wild abandon and dancing like a fool.

What about you - what songs make you really happy? Please share!

1 comment:

ZERD said...

This is a very good question, and I must mull.