Monday, October 8, 2007

The Magic of the Internets

Once again, Zerd has found something spectacular online. (And are we surprised? No we are not.)

My viewing recommendation, for what it's worth, is as follows: Go to this YouTube video of Vladimir Horowitz playing the 3rd Rachmaninov Piano concerto ( there are three movements), then, in another browser, go to this site.

That's what I happened to do and it was a really happy accident. I actually got all weepy during the 2nd movement, like the big freaking crybaby I am of late.

Speaking of which, I have been absolutely retarded in my proneness to tears in the last couple of months. It's like I've been about to get my period for nine weeks or something. Which is not the case, thank you very much, nor am I pregnant, so don't even think it! I have been very very stressed out, but normally I just eat a lot more (I'm on an eclair kick right now) and sleep for sixteen hours a day when that happens. I think I know what it is...I may as well write a post about that later...but really, it's silly to be driven to tears by EVERYTHING.

It's a good thing there aren't any old AT&T commercials on, or I wouldn't get a thing done.

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