Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The initial post.

I read this article in the NY Times a while back, and it seemed to me that Hill really hit the nail on the head: “Can you be a misanthrope and still love or enjoy some individuals?” she asked. “How about a compassionate misanthrope?”

Well, I think so. I find the term to be pretty helpful in describing what I've been feeling with increasing frenquency over the past few years...lots of people suck. Although Ms. R-C does put it with a little more polish.

While I like and love many persons, lately I can't help but feel that people are often selfish and unkind, not to mention incompetent. It's just like in that song* from Mary Poppins.

*You know, where Glynis Johns says "Though we adore men in-div-id-ual-ly, we must admit that as a group they're ra-ther stu-pid."**

**Also: Liz? I've gotta steal this little thing you do with the footnotes. I salute you, my brillant friend. Please don't hate me.

1 comment:

ZERD said...

There can be no hatred for the Tsipa:) And your blog is coming along quite nicely--why are you shy about showing it off? Isn't that the whole point of blogging?